Emergency Grants

When a sudden change impacts service delivery, Kentucky nonprofits often turn to Kentucky Colonels.

From HVAC units failing in the August heat or the walk-in freezer that goes down when it’s full of perishables to a sudden roof collapse or a security system that simply stops working, we have emergency funds available each year.

Emergency Grants

Limited emergency funds are available for each year. Please reach out to the Kentucky Colonels’ staff to discuss your organization’s emergency need. If eligible*, you will receive access to complete the application and a trustee will reach out to discuss your request.

If you have questions, please contact Eric Patterson at headquarters; EPatterson@KyColonels.org or 502-753-0780.

*Organizations with outstanding grant commitments from the Kentucky Colonels will not be eligible to apply for the current funding cycle until their previous grant file has been closed.

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